If you take a quick look at it, the Turkish Trocal language app may appear as a light, fun and easy way to learn Turkish, just like an authentic Turkish hamam is, simple yet so effective; which is perfect, we think! With an inbuilt Turkish Dictionary to offer ‘snap of your finger’ translation of all the Turkish you will ever need in Istanbul everyday! To help the traveller, the businessman, the artist, the scholar or the industrialist in you, find the perfect lokum (Turkish Delight), simply by learning to speak the Turkish language. Turkish Trocal is an intuitive language translation app utilizing voice and video lessons to help you make quick work of learning the essential and every day used Turkish words and phrases. The Turkish Trocal language app teaches you over 500 important Turkish phrases and words so that you can express the courtesy and awe to your extremely hospitable hosts in nothing but Turkish!
For each such phrase, there is video of a Turkish native speaker clearly pronouncing every word, so that you can grasp and speak the language, almost as well as if it was spoken by someone who knew Turkish as well as the Turks themselves! For you to have meaningful conversations, the phrases are grouped into categories for the most common travel situations including Getting Around, Eating & Drinking, Health, Problems, Numbers, Time and Date, Meeting People, Shopping and Money. Other great features of the Turkish Trocal app include the ability to playback each phrase in slow mode, mark favorites for quick reference and even copy the phrase to send via SMS or email to your friends! Turkish Trocal, apart from being a traveller’s best friend can also double up as a great learning tool for those who desire to start learning the basics of the Turkish language in an easy, fast and fun way.
The app works completely offline so no need to worry about expensive international data costs or searching for an open WIFI network. See how it frees up your time so you can enjoy a Turkish Barbecue or even one of the many dizi (Turkish Soap Opera)!